A plain mottled emerald-green and yellow, jadeite, well hollowed, snuff bottle with a tourmaline stopper.



Emerald Green & Yellow Jadeite Snuff Bottle


A plain mottled  emerald-green and yellow, jadeite, well hollowed, snuff bottle with a tourmaline stopper.


Jadeite, mottled emerald-green and yellow, the ovoid body standing on a flat foot with a round neck and lightly concave mouth, the body meticulously hollowed leaving the walls exceptionally thin.

Chinese, 1750-1850
Stopper: pink tourmaline
Provenance: Mme. Nel, France
Robert Hall, 1976
Height: 4.9cm

This is a small masterpiece where the unusual markings in the mineral are once again left undecorated to draw attention to the exquisite nature of the material itself. Its smaller size also makes it attractively jewel like.


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