
All the Antiques are Listed with Links Japanese



Signatures and Seals Found in The Cohen Collection and In Search of Netsuke and Inro

Ojime Found in the Trudy and John Neville Cohen Collection

Japanese Ivory and Other Antiques from the Trudy and John Neville Cohen Collection


The Trudy and John Neville Cohen Collection of Japanese Netsuke

The Japanese Zodiac Netsuke Collection

M1 Okimono of All The Zodiac Animals in Ivory

M1 Toshiaki

The Zodiac Collection Group in Ivory Netsuke

The Zodiac Collection Group in Wood Netsuke

N1 Ivory Rat Netsuke

N1 Reverse: Ivory Rat Netsuke

N2 Wood Rat Netsuke

N2 Reverse: Wood Rat Netsuke

N3 Ivory Bullock Netsuke

N3 Reverse: Ivory Bullock Netsuke

N3 Tomotada school

N4 Wood Bullock Netsuke

N4 Reverse: Wood Bullock Netsuke

N4 Itto

N5 Ivory Monkey Netsuke

N5 Reverse: Ivory Monkey Netsuke

M6 Wood Monkey Netsuke

N6 Reverse: Wood Monkey Netsuke

N7 Ivory Cockerel Netsuke

N7 Reverse: Ivory Cockerel Netsuke

N7 Otoman

N8 Wood Cockerel Netsuke

N8 Reverse: Wood Cockerel Netsuke

N9 Ivory Dog Netsuke

N9 Reverse: Ivory Dog Netsuke

N10 Wood Dog Netsuke

N10 Reverse: Wood Dog Netsuke

N10 Ittan

N11 Ivory Boar Netsuke

N11 Reverse: Ivory Boar Netsuke

N12 Wood Boar Netsuke

N12 Reverse: Wood Boar Netsuke

N12 Masatomo

N13 Ivory Tiger Netsuke

N13 Reverse: Ivory Tiger Netsuke

N14 Wood Tiger Netsuke

N14 Reverse: Wood Tiger Netsuke

N15 Ivory Hare Netsuke

N15 Reverse: Ivory Hare Netsuke

N15 Rantei

N16 Wood Hare Netsuke

N16 Reverse: Wood Hare Netsuke

N16 Ikkan

N17 Ivory Dragon Netsuke

N17 Reverse: Ivory Dragon Netsuke

N18 Wood Dragon Netsuke

N18 Reverse: Wood Dragon Netsuke

N18 Tomokazu

N19 Ivory Snake Netsuke

N19 Reverse: Ivory Snake Netsuke

N19 Tomochika

N20 Wood Snake Netsuke

N20 Reverse Wood Snake Netsuke

N20 Sukeyuki

N21 Ivory Horse Netsuke

N21 Reverse: Ivory Horse Netsuke

N22 Wood Horse Netsuke

N22 Reverse: Wood Horse Netsuke

N22 Yasutada

N23 Ivory Goat Netsuke

N23 Reverse: Ivory Goat Netsuke

N23 Tomotada School

N24 Wood Goat Netsuke

N24 Reverse: Wood Goat Netsuke

NL1 Wood Netsuke of a Mouse Eating a Bean

NL2 Ivory and Metal Two Courtiers Kagamibuta

NL3 Ivory, Wood and Coral Netsuke of a Seated Child

NL4 Wood Netsuke of a Man Drawing a Sword From its Scabbard

NL5 Ivory and Metal Fly in a Spiders Web Kagamibuta

NL6 Ivory Warrior Netsuke

NL7 Lacquer Netsuke of a Boy Holding a Box

NL8 Ivory Netsuke of Musicians

NL9 Ivory Netsuke of The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove

NL10 Figures in Gold on Ivory Manju

NL11 Ox and Boy Ivory Manju

NL12 Monkey Trainer Ivory Netsuke

NL13 Stag-Antler Insects Manju

NL14 Marine Ivory Chinnan With His Dragon Manju

NL15 Blossoming Tree in the Rain Kagamibuta

NL16 Ivory Egret and Flowers Manju

NL17 Wood Netsuke of a Tree Peony

NL18 Rensai Frog and Mushroom Stag-Antler Netsuke

NL19 Gold Lacquer and Metal Birds and Flowers Kagamibuta

NL20 Rensai Rat on Peach Stag-Antler Netsuke

NL21 Marine Ivory Narihira and His Retainers Manju

NL22 Ivory Eagle Clawing a Monkey Netsuke

NL23 Ivory Ho-ho Bird Manju

NL24 Ivory Tiger Netsuke

NL25 Lacquer Netsuke of a Mandarin Duck

NL26 Lacquer Netsuke of Two Blossoms

NL27 Ivory Shishi and Ball Netsuke

NL28 Ivory Hare Netsuke

NL29 Ivory Cape Gooseberry Netsuke

NL30 Ivory Lady and Dog Netsuke

NL30 Ivory Tennin on Swan Netsuke

NL32 Ivory Bullock Netsuke


All Inro and Ojime in the Trudy and John Neville Cohen Collection

Box 1 of Inro with Netsuke Group

Box 2 of Inro with Netsuke Group

Box 3 of Inro with Netsuke Group

Box 4 of Inro with Netsuke Group

Box 5 of Inro with Netsuke Group

Box 6 of Inro with Netsuke Group

Box 7 of Inro with Netsuke Group

Box 8 of Inro with Netsuke Group

L1 Rats Stealing Eggs Zeshin Inro, with wood Netsuke

L1 Close Up: Rats Stealing Eggs Zeshin Inro with eggshell ojime

L1 Shibata Zeshin

L2 Sambaso Dancer Jugyoku & Kansai Inro with metal and ivory kagamibuto

L2 Close-Up: Sambaso Dancer Inro with gilded metal Ojime

L2 Jugyoku & Kansai

L3 Raiko Killing the Giant Spider Inro with ivory wood and coral netsuke

L3 Close-Up: of Raiko Killing the Giant Spider Inro with coral bead ojime

L3 Jokasai

L4 Rosei Dreaming Koma Kyuhaku Inro, and a wood netsuke of a man drawing a sword

L4 Close Up: Rosei Dreaming Koma Kyuhaku Inro, with a black, yellow and red lacquer with mountain landscape ojime

L4 Koma Kyuhaku

L5 Butterflies and Insects Inro with a Kagamibuta decoration in various metals, of a fly caught in a spider's web

L5 Close Up: Butterflies and Insects Inro with a metal lotus seed pod and frog ojime

L5 Tenmin Metal Ojime as a lotus seed pod with a frog

L6 Shibayama Gold Inro depicting a man in a kago, visiting a Geisha with an ivory netsuke

L6 Close Up: Shibayama Gold Inro depicting a man in a kago, visiting a Geisha with a pierced and carved ivory ojime

L6 Nemoto

L7 Tokusai Shibayama Theatrical gold Inro with a lacquer netsuke of a boy holding a box

L7 Close Up: Tokusai Shibayama Theatrical gold Inro with a red lacquer oval pattern decorated ojime

L7 Tokusai on a red seal

L8 The Archer Gold Inro with an ivory netsuke of two musicians

L8 Close Up: The Archer Gold Inro with a metal raised dragons ojime

L8 Noriyuki

L9 The Seven Sages of The Bamboo Grove Inro with an ivory netsuke

L9 Close-Up: The Seven Sages of The Bamboo Grove Inro with a carved nut ojime

L9 Shiomi Masanari

L9 Kajikawa Saku

L10 Jogahana Two Figures, One is a Dream Inro, with an ivory manju

L10 Close-Up: Jogahana Inro Two Figures, One is a Dream, with coral ojime

L10 Shunsho

L11 Boy & Ox Inro with ivory manju

L11 Close Up: Boy & Ox Inro with gilt metal ojime

L11 Shiomi Masanari

L12 Monkey Trainer Togidashi Inro with ivory netsuke

L12 Close Up: Monkey Trainer Inro with pierced metal ojime

L12 Shiomi Masanari

L13 Carved Wood Tortoise Inro with stag-antler manju

L13 Close-Up: Carved Wood Tortoise inro with wood two frogs ojime

L13 Inlaid Ivory Plaque, unknown signature.

L14 Tsuishu Red Immortals Inro with marine ivory manju

L14 Close-Up: Tsuishu Red Immortals Inro with a metal nobleman ojime

L14 Enshu

L14 Bronze Ojime decorated in gold and various metals of a Nobleman

L15 Bamboo Blind Inro with Kagamibuta

L15 Close-Up: Bamboo Blind Inro with bronze ojime

L15 Hasegawa Kyorinsai

L15 Ryumin Ojime

L16 Birds in Battle Gold Inro with ivory manju

L16 Close-Up: Birds in Battle inro with metal ojime

L16 Yasutsugu

L17 Owl Inro with wood netsuke

L17 Close-Up: Owl Inro with gilt pierced ojime

L17 Kajikawa

L18 Wild Boar Inro with stag-antler netsuke

L18 Close-Up: Wild Boar Inro with metal ojime

L18 Kajikawa

L19 Ho-Ho Bird Inro with kagamibuta

L19 Close-Up: Ho-Ho Bird Inro with metal ojime

L19 Kajikawa saku

L20 Fans Inro with stag-antler netsuke

L20 Close-Up: Fans Inro with lacquer ojime

L20 Jokasai

L21 The Three Friends Inro with ivory manju

L21 Close-Up: The Three Friends Inro with metal ojime

L21 Isshu Metal Ojime

L22 Black Bear Inro with ivory netsuke

L22 Close-Up: Black Bear Inro with ivory and lacquer ojime

L22 Yoyusai

L23 Cherry Tree Inro with ivory manju

L23 Close-Up: Cherry Tree Inro with gilt metal ojime

L23 Koma Koryu

L24 Tiger Inro with ivory netsuke

L24 Close-Up: Tiger Inro with carved horn ojime

L24 Yamada Toyoyoshi

L25 Ducks Inro with a lacquer netsuke

L25 Close-Up: Ducks Inro with a metal inlaid ojime

L25 Toyo

L26 Bamboo and Prunus Inro with a gold lacquer netsuke

L26 Close-Up: Bamboo and Prunus Inro with metal and gold ojime

L26 Joka

L26 Metal Ojime of fruits

L27 Shishi Inro with ivory netsuke

L27 Close-Up: Shishi Inro with copper ojime

L27 Yamada Toyoyoshi

L27 Soshi Drum Shaped Ojime

L28 Hare Inro with ivory netsuke

L28 Close-Up: Hare Inro with gold lacquer ojime

L29 Flowers and Insects Inro with ivory and coral netsuke

L29 Close-Up: Flowers and Insects Inro with metal ojime

L29 Yoyusai

L29 Metal Ojime of a fly on a bean

L30 Carpet-Making Inro with ivory netsuke

L30 Close-Up: Carpet-Making Inro with gold lacquer ojime

L30 Kakosai Shozan

L31 Cranes in Flight Inro with ivory netsuke

L31 Close-Up: Cranes in Flight Inro with coral ojime

L31 Shibayama

L32 Cock and Hen Inro with ivory netsuke

L32 Close-Up: Cock and Hen Inro with gilt metal ojime

L32 Shiomi Masanari


The Japanese Lacquer boxes, Combs, and Others

Group of Kogo, ko-bako and a tray

L33 Japanese Lacquer: a Small Document Box in Gold and Coloured Togidashi of a Busy Market Scene.

L34 Fine Gold Japanese Lacquer Kobako of an Imperial Ox Cart.

L35 Japanese lacquer: Togidashi Kobako as a Six Fold Screen with a Pine Tree and a Turbulent Lake.

L36 Japanese Lacquer Kobako: Togidashi Little Fox Sword

L37 Japanese Somada Lacquer: Children playing instruments Kobako, Containing Four Boxes for Perfume

L38 Japanese Lacquer Kogo: Zeshin School, a Sake Cup Bearing the Character Ju and a Kiku Spray.

L39 Japanese Lacquer: Chrysanthemum & Crushed Eggshell Tray

L40 Japanese Lacquer: A Small Gold Kogo in the Form of an Uchiwa, Decorated With Flowers and Grasses.

L40 Japanese Lacquer: The Gold Uchiwa Kogo Decorated Inside With Flowers Beside a Stream.

L41 Japanese Lacquer: Togidashi Kogo Clam Showing Hotei Laughing Kogo

L42 Japanese Lacquer: A Small Kogo With Three Takamakie Flying Insects, inside are togidashi autumn flowers.

L43 Japanese Lacquer: A Togidashi Kobako of Circular Form, Decorated With Kiku Blooms.

L44 Japanese Lacquer Kogo: Decorated, Including the Tray, in Gold on Black With Bamboo Growing Beside a Running Stream.

L44 Showing the Rich Gyobu Interior: A Kogo Decorated, Including the Tray, in Gold on Black With Bamboo Growing Beside a Running Stream.

L44 Koshinsai

L45 Japanese Lacquer Gold Kogo in Hiramakie, a Mountainous scene, Huts, Waterfall, River, Pine and Weeping Willow Trees, Inlaid in Gold, Silver and Aogai.

L46 A Kobako of Two Overlapping Boxes; One of Tsuishu Carved in Relief With a Crayfish on a Wave Ground, the Other With Gold Takamakie Shells.

L47 Japanese Lacquer: A Togidashi Open Book Kobako

L48 Japanese Lacquer Kobako Decorated With Three Sparrows Beneath an Omodaka Bush in Gold and Silver Takamakie.

L48 Eizan with Kakihan

L49 Japanese lacquer: A Kobako Decorated With a Suit of Armour and Sword Gold and Coloured Takamakie.

L50 Japanese Lacquer: A Kashibako Tied Sack Decorated With Chrysanthemums in Gold, Red, and Silver Takamakie.

L51 Japanese Lacquer: A Small Kogo with Somada Style Decoration All Over, With a Bugaku Drum, and a Blossoming Cherry Tree.

L52 Lacquer Butterfly Comb

L52 Ichiyosai

L53 Lacquer Cherry Comb

L53 Yoyusai L53 Hoitsu

L54 Lacquer Pine & Mon Comb

L55 Lacquer Temple Landscape Comb

L56 Lacquer Fan Comb

L56 Hounsai

L57 Lacquer Crane Comb

L57 Komin

L58 Lacquer Boat Comb


M1 Okimono of All The Zodiac Animals in Ivory

M1 Toshiaki

M2 / L59 Ivory & Lacquer Fan

M2 / L59 Reverse: Ivory & Lacquer Fan

M3 Ivory Okimono Kinko Riding On a Carp Above the Waves

M4 Ivory Mounted in Enamelled Silver Phoenix & Quail Jar with Cover

M4 Reverse: Ivory Mounted in Enamelled Silver Phoenix & Quail Jar with Cover

M5 Ivory Banana & Cherries Okimono

M6 / L60 Shibayama, Lacquer Mounted, Short Sword.

M6 / L60 Reverse: Shibayama, Lacquer Mounted, Short Sword.

M7 Mon & Reishi Fungus Kozuka

M8 Blown Ostrich Egg Carved with Carp & Iris

M8 Reverse: Blown Ostrich Egg Carved with Carp & Iris

M9 Canton Enamel Flowers & Flying Insects Wine Ewer

M10 Rootwood Carving of a Kirin

B81 / L61 Japanese Embelished Lacquer Children Playing Snuff Bottle

B81 / L61 Reverse: Japanese Embelished Lacquer Children Playing Snuff Bottle

N57 / B82 / P74 / L62 Guri Lacquer Netsuke and Snuff Bottle


Cover of In search of Netsuke and Inro

The Contents of In Search of Netsuke and Inro

18th Century Kyoto School Shishi and Cub, Unsigned Netsuke

Introduction by Douglas J. K. Wright, In search of Netsuke and Inro

Early Days, In search of Netsuke and Inro by George A Cohen London Dealers by George A Cohen

Good Netsuke Guide by George A Cohen

Appreciation of fine inro by George A Cohen

One can never be too careful by George A Cohen

Julius Katchen by George A Cohen

Under the hammer by George A Cohen

Auctions by George A Cohen

Mrs Hull-Grundy by George A Cohen

Dr Bamji by George A Cohen

Stolen netsuke and David Miller by George A Cohen

Surpise netsuke by George A Cohen

Beyond our shores by George A Cohen

Raymond Bushell by George A Cohen

Concluding thoughts by George A Cohen

The last word by Betty V Cohen

Reference Books by George A Cohen

1 to 11 Ivory Netsuke including Yoshinaga of Shoki, Gyokusen Tomochika, and Jugyoku.

12 to 21 Ivory Netsuke Descriptions including Rantei, Yoshinaga, Tomotada.

22 to 40 Ivory Netsuke: Mitsuharu, Garaku, Yoshitomo, Shugyoku

41 to 57 Ivory Netsuke: Yoshinaga of Shoki, Gyokusen Tomochika, Jugyoku

58 to 75 Ivory Netsuke: Yoshinaga of Shoki, Gyokusen Tomochika, Jugyoku

76 to 93 Ivory Netsuke: Ryumin, Shugetsu, Gyokusan, Masanao (Kyoto), Tomotada, Hidemasa

94 to 111 Ivory Netsuke: Tomonao, Yoshitomo, Soichi, Shosai, Shuraku, Hidemasa, Masaharu

112 to 130 Ivory Netsuke: Hakuryu, Rantei, Otoman, Kaigyokusai Masatsugu, Chikuyosai, Ikkosai, Shosai, Masakasu, Tomochika, Seimin, Minkoku

131 to 149 Ivory Netsuke Mitsuhiro (Osaka), Hidechika, Gyokuyosai, Mitsuhiro, Mitsusada, Minkoku, Shigemasa, Masatoshi, Yoshihiro, Sosai, Hidemasa, Kagetoshi

150 to 168 Ivory Netsuke Anraku, Hotomo, Shukosai Anraku, Shinkeisai, Toryu, Ono Ryoko, Yasuaki, Koshi, Homin, Shibayama, Masaka (Osaka), Gyokumin

169 to 177 Ivory Large Netsuke and Okimono, Mitsuchika, Toshi, Gyokusai, Hojitsu, Masaka, Minzan

178 to 197 Wood Netsuke: Yoshihide, Shosai, Sukeyuki, Gam-bun, Tadamitsu, Ikko, Tametaka, Tadatoshi, Masayuki

198 to 217 Wood Netsuke: Kakuji, Soichi, Ichimin, Masamitsu, Yasutada, Kokei, Sari, Ittan, Ichi, Kokei, Masanao

218 to 237 Wood Netsuke: Sukenaga, Tomokazu, Toyomasa, Masakazu, Chuichi, Masakiyo, Masakatsu, Shuzan II

238 to 258 Wood Netsuke: Tomotada, Minko, Masatomo, Masakazu, Masayuki, Ikkwan, Tomokazu, Ittan, Masatsugu, Masatoshi, Sukenaga, Mokuyu, Kagetoshi

259 to 279 Wood Netsuke: Hideharu, Ryukei, Tomokazu, Nobumasa, Nagoya school, Zeshin, Hidemitsu, Ranko, Ittan

280 to 285 Inro and netsuke complete: Joka, Shibayama, Jokusai, Gyokurintei, Koma Kuhaku I

286 to 291 Inro and netsuke complete: Shiomi Masanari, Tsuishu, Shinsai, Masayuki, Ikko, Hidari Issan, Kokusai

292 to 299 Inro and netsuke complete: Kajikawa, Toyo, Shiosai Seikwa, Tadayoshi, Yoyusai

300 to 305 Inro and netsuke complete: Eisho, Shibayama, Kwansai, Masatami, Mitsunao, Gyokumin, Somada, Kajikawa, Shuichi

306 to 311 Inro and netsuke complete: Kajikawa, Noriyuki, Harumin, Chohei, Shibayama, Minkoku

312 to 317 Inro and netsuke complete: Yamada Toyoyoshi, Umeharu Koryusai, Rakumin, Jokasai, Kakosai Shozan, Yoshi

318 to 323 Inro and netsuke complete: Kajikawa Bunryusai, Kanemoto, Komo Kyuhaku, Shiomi Masanari, Yoyusai

324 to 329 Inro and netsuke complete: Kajikawa, Natsuo, Jokasai, Kwanshosai, Yamada Toyoyoshi, Kajikawa Bunryusai, Chuzan, Ranshu

330 to 337 Inro and netsuke complete: Minkoku, Kajikawa, Masayuki, Tatsuke Takamasu, Kwanshosai, Tachibana Gyokuzan

338 to 343 Inro and netsuke complete: Rakumin, Toyo, Keigai, Gyokuyosai, Shibayama, Shiomi Masanari

344 to 349 Inro and netsuke complete: Yoyusai, Shunsai, Jokusai, Tomachika, Kyorinsai, Ryumin, Shibayama, Yasutsugi, Koma Koryo

350 to 355 Inro and netsuke complete: Kajikawa, Toyo, Tokusai

356 to 358 Lacquer Boxes Kogo and Kashibako

Shibata Zeshin, Lacquer

Kosentei Lacquer

Shibayama Ceremonial Dagger and Snuff Bottles

Netsuke Carvers

Lacquer Artists

In search of Netsuke and Inro

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John Neville Cohen, is a multifaceted photographic artist and collector, who defies categorization.

His creative endeavours span projection photography, where he masterfully blends light and form, creating International award winning photographs, to his passion for collecting Asian antiques and classic Jensen cars. Additionally, he has contributed interesting articles, and published 'The History of Jacey Cinemas', a unique stamp collecting album for little people, apart from 'The Trudy and John Neville Cohen Collection' of antiques. Have a look at his 'Homepage' by using the logo below.

World of John N. Cohen